Today, most people who have spent any serious time studying the Shroud of Turin agree that the shroud is a burial cloth, but the main ongoing question is, who was buried in it?
This ancient linen cloth with his blood marks and images of the back and front of a scourged and crucified man is an inherently coherent object that can be understood for what it is. That means that once explained, this shroud cloth requires nothing more than human vision and logic to understand who was buried in it. Basically, it is visually self-explanatory and it requires no tests. The book and video, “Unlocking the Secrets of the Shroud,” carefully demonstrates that this ‘shroud’ is indeed a burial cloth of a crucified man, and that the man is Jesus of Nazareth.
Finally, everything is context. If something is to be understood it must be placed in context. And to understand fully the meaning and purpose of this burial cloth, we must also place it in context. In this case the shroud must be placed within the life of Jesus.

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